To celebrate my DC dungeon opening day,
I'll be running a celebratory special all week from May 12 - May 18, 2024!
Remember when a three-hour tribute was $900? Me too.
Let's celebrate my moving to DC in 2019 with a 2019 tribute.
Last month, a lot of you got fucked by Uncle Sam.
This month, come celebrate by getting fucked by me instead!
(At least I use lube! 😉)

 Professional Domination since September 2008
In Washington DC since May 13, 2019
If you have filled out my supplication form before, follow my Re-booking Protocols.
If you're new to me, fill out my Supplication Form after you've read my Protocols.
And remember that giving is reciprocal...
. . .
The fine print:
1). Your session must take place between May 12 - 18th.
2). If you have to reschedule to a day outside of these dates, regular tributes will apply.
3). You must mention this offer at the time of booking.
4). I will do my best to update my availability on the front page as quickly as
possible but as you can imagine this special is going to be quite popular, sooo...
5). List as many dates and time frames (earliest time you can start to time you have to leave by)
in your session request so I can try my best to accommodate you.